Recommended By

25 FEB 2020

Noah Brier

Why is this interesting? - The Lost Community Edition

A book that focuses on the role of race in the development of software and the digital community.

16 SEP 2020

Charlton McIlwain

Why is this interesting? - The Race & Barbecue Edition

A book by Charlton McIlwain discussing the intersection of race, justice, and technology through the story of black software and its creators.

11 OCT 2019

Colin Nagy

Why is this interesting? - The Culture & Cuisine Edition

"Activists, pundits, politicians, and the press frequently proclaim today's digitally mediated racial justice activism the new civil rights movement. As Charlton D. McIlwain shows in this book, the story of racial justice movement organizing online is much longer and varied than most people know. In fact, it spans nearly five decades and involves a varied group of engineers, entrepreneurs, hobbyists, journalists, and activists."

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