Lane Florsheim

Lane Florsheim

Lane Florsheim is a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal Magazine online, known for her work on the 'My Monday Morning' column where she interviews individuals about their routines and how they start their weeks. She covers a variety of lifestyle topics, including unique profiles and pieces on items like sexy air conditioners. Lane is based in Milwaukee but has ties to New York, and her writing provides insights into interesting people and modern lifestyle trends.


06 JUL 2020
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975

A gripping account that weaves together speeches and interviews with civil rights leaders like Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, and Harry Belafonte with more recent commentary from Davis, Erykah Badu, and Talib Kweli. It covers those eight years, and many different thinkers, really effectively.

06 JUL 2020
The Romanovs: 1613-1918
The Romanovs: 1613-1918

A 700-page book by British historian Simon Sebag Montefiore about the Romanovs, noted for its detailed and juicy recounting.

06 JUL 2020
Benign Lives
Benign Lives

A transportive novel by Shirley Hazzard, recommended for its narrative.

06 JUL 2020
Our Country Friends: A Novel
Our Country Friends: A Novel

A non-fiction book by Louis Auchincloss.


06 JUL 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Monday Media Diet with Lane Florsheim

On working with a pug, the charms of Casa Magazines, and amazing vintage advertising

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