Daniel Oberhaus

Daniel Oberhaus

Daniel Oberhaus is a staff writer at Wired magazine, specializing in space exploration and the future of energy. He is the author of 'Extraterrestrial Languages', a book exploring the art and science of interstellar communication. Additionally, Oberhaus writes about AI and mental health, contributing insights and in-depth analysis on these topics.


31 JUL 2020
Extraterrestrial Languages
Extraterrestrial Languages

A book about the art, science, and philosophy of interstellar communication.


20 AUG 2021
The Scunthorpe Edition

On Dycks, Butts, and the eternal challenges of online content moderation

23 SEP 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Salvia Edition

On clinical studies, psychedelics, and medicine

31 JUL 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Battery Edition

On power, engineering, and a new approach to batteries

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