Geoffrey West | Books & Literature » Non-Fiction

Scale: The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies

Scale: The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies

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A book by Geoffrey West about how various entities scale, from animals to cities, and how this scaling affects or doesn't affect relationships and properties.

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Geoffrey West’s 'Scale' includes insights into the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate, among exploring other universal laws.

Scale is a grand synthesis of topics Geoffrey West has studied for several decades, illustrating how scaling laws govern the life cycle of organisms, cities, and companies. This book examines the universal laws of size and growth that can be applied to biological and social structures, exploring fundamental questions across physics and biology. West, a theoretical physicist and former president of the Santa Fe Institute, offers a unique perspective that brings together a body of knowledge about scalability's effects on life and civilization.

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