John Allen Paulos | Books & Literature » Non-Fiction

Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences

Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences

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22 FEB 2021

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A book about mathematical illiteracy and its consequences by John Allen Paulos.

Innumeracy by John Allen Paulos is a book that dives into the topic of mathematical illiteracy, explaining with wit and real-world examples how innumeracy affects various aspects of life such as stock scams, lotteries, and general perceptions of coincidences. Through elucidating common misconceptions and the importance of numerical literacy, Paulos aims to make readers more comfortable with numbers and probabilities. The book takes the reader back into history, all the way to Julius Caesar, and then to the present to show how numbers and mathematics revolve around almost every aspect of our lives.

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