Roxane Gay | Books & Literature » Non-Fiction

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

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09 NOV 2020

Debbie Millman

Why is this interesting? - The Monday Media Diet with Debbie Millman

Described by Debbie Millman as a book that deeply fascinated her and played a part in her relationship with Roxane Gay.

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay is an insightful memoir that delves into the author's experiences with her body, trauma, and how these elements have shaped her views and impact on the world. Touching on themes of obesity, self-love, and identity within a society that often harbors a fatphobic mentality, Roxane Gay shares her upbringing, her adult life, and her personal journey towards self-acceptance.

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