Colin Nagy | April 1, 2023

WITI is 4 years old

On deadlines, curiosity, and community

Colin here. Somehow the actual date passed us by, but Why is this interesting? (WITI) recently turned 4.

We have been putting out a daily newsletter of all things interesting. The act of writing helps us get smarter and hopefully helps our readers stay sharp as well.

We’re pleased to say WITI is now read across 50 US states and 144 countries.

Have a scan through our archive to see just how far we have come, and how much ground has been covered. 

If you appreciate what we are doing, consider a monthly subscription.

Subscribe now

We don’t like to do heavy-handed upsell tactics, hyper-gated content, or other things. We are trying to find a symbiotic relationship with our readership and this is the occasional reminder that your financial support is motivating and deeply appreciated.

Why is this interesting?

Here are a few WITI deep cuts that represent the type of stories we want to put out: 

The Key Art Edition

The Travelers Cheque Edition 

The Toyota Hilux Edition

The Securicode Edition

Thank you for reading and for your support. 

-Colin, Noah, and the global WITI readership.

© WITI Industries, LLC.