Colin Nagy | February 27, 2022

The Executive Edition (2/27/22)

On CDMX, urban warfare, and Zelensky

Photo of the day: Ella, a beautiful cafe/wine bar/event space in Juarez, CDMX. Here are the coordinates if you want to stop by next time you visit.

Colin here. Some stuff I read this week.

An extremely interesting thread on urban warfare from John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute. If I recall, WITI came on his radar with Noah’s piece on feral cities.

A Brier find: The definitive guide to backpack fabrics.

Another Brier find: Good explainer from the FT on how Central Bank sanctions could cripple Russia 

Loved this Dwell piece on a beautiful Brooklyn loft renovation. (Paywall alert)

Dug through the New Yorker archives to find this piece on the real legacy of Soviet spying in America. 

The Atlantic reminds people that Romney was right about Putin. WITI contributor Edith Z. highlights this particularly good quote: 

"Zelensky is on the streets in Ukraine, wearing battle fatigues, ready to fight for his country. And Putin is sitting behind this massive table in this huge white room; it looks like a mausoleum where honesty and honor went to die."

See you Monday.

-Colin and Noah

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