Robin Sloan

Robin Sloan

Robin Sloan is an author, olive oil maker, and internet tinkerer known for his novels 'Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore' and 'Sourdough.' His work often explores the intersection of technology and creativity, as seen in his pieces on content frameworks and neural networks.


16 SEP 2022
The Decagon House Murders (Pushkin Vertigo Book 32)
The Decagon House Murders (Pushkin Vertigo Book 32)

A representative example of the Japanese genre shin honkaku, known for its abstract approach and adherence to the rules of orthodox detective fiction. In its introduction, Shimada Shoji highlights the unique, almost robotic character depictions and a focus on storytelling over sophisticated writing.

16 SEP 2022
The 8 Mansion Murders
The 8 Mansion Murders

Part of the shin honkaku genre, published in 1989 as a pillar of this movement in Japanese detective fiction.

11 MAY 2020
Sea of Poppies (Ibis Trilogy, 1)
Sea of Poppies (Ibis Trilogy, 1)

A novel that Robin Sloan recently reread, described as nearly perfect and richly captivating, with its events unfolding in the run-up to the First Opium War.

11 MAY 2020
Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits, and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World
Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits, and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World

A work of serious academic history that provides a picture of the 16th-Century Mediterranean World, recommended for its revelatory and thrilling depiction of Europe and the Ottoman Empire at the time.

11 MAY 2020
Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

A recent translation of the classic fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, which Robin Sloan has been reading and contemplates about its construction and the inimitable voice.


16 SEP 2022
The New Orthodox Mystery Edition

On detective fiction, "cold" storytelling, and the genre of shin honkaku

31 AUG 2022
The Spotify Weirdness Edition

On composition, algos, and serendipity

20 JUL 2021
The Eno Day Edition

On retrospectives, lies, and rainy days

18 MAR 2021
The Urban Manufacturing Edition

On small business, cities, and making stuff

30 JUN 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Breeding Grounds Edition

On Amsterdam, polluted islands, and ticking clocks

11 MAY 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Monday Media Diet with Robin Sloan

On newsletters, BoopSnoop, and the Brothers Grimm

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