Nadia Eghbal

Nadia Eghbal

Nadia Eghbal is a writer and researcher known for her work on how the internet empowers individual creators. Between 2015 and 2019, she focused on open source software production, enhancing developer experiences both independently and at GitHub. In 2020, she published 'Working in Public', detailing the impact of open source developers on the online social world. Currently, she leads writer experience at Substack, emphasizing the pivotal role of open source software in powering the digital realm.


11 AUG 2020
Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software
Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software

A new book by Nadia Eghbal that offers an inside look at modern open source software developers and their influence on our online social world.


12 APR 2022
The Open Source Edition

On technology, community, and the code that keeps things running

11 AUG 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Open Source Edition

On technology, community, and the code that keeps things running

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