Lizzie Shupak

Lizzie Shupak

Lizzie Shupak is the Co-Founder of Curve, a London-based creative leadership and culture change business. She works with senior leaders globally to facilitate change, with a background in innovation, digital service design, and a focus on semiotics and military ethics education as a visiting researcher at Columbia University’s Institute for Economic Research and Policy.


04 MAR 2020
Winner-Takes-All Market: Definition, Examples, Economic Impact
Winner-Takes-All Market: Definition, Examples, Economic Impact

Anand Giridharadas examines the paradox of meaningful transformation and the role of 'Powerpoint as the technology of the status quo'.

07 FEB 2020
Orality and Literacy (New Accents)
Orality and Literacy (New Accents)

Walter Ong’s work discussing the impacts of language on understanding.


04 MAR 2020
Why is this interesting? - The Oral Culture Edition

On words, objects, and how to build cultures that endure

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