Kaitlin Phillips

Kaitlin Phillips

Kaitlin Phillips, based in NYC, is known for her critical views on arts and culture coverage, particularly opposing the tyranny of the news peg. She has a strong presence on Twitter and frequents Lucien. Although often mistaken as a writer, she identifies more strongly with her role as a publicist, enjoying the social aspects of the literary world without the burdens of writing.


25 JAN 2021
Daddy: Stories
Daddy: Stories

A collection of stories by Emma Cline discussing themes around rich people.

25 JAN 2021
Harmony Ideology: Justice and Control in a Zapotec Mountain Village
Harmony Ideology: Justice and Control in a Zapotec Mountain Village

A book by Laura Nader exploring the concept of harmony ideology within a Zapotec Mountain Village.

25 JAN 2021
Lolly Willowes : Or the Loving Huntsman
Lolly Willowes : Or the Loving Huntsman

A novel by Sylvia Townsend Warner about a woman moving to the countryside to live as a witch.

25 JAN 2021
All for Nothing
All for Nothing

A novel by Walter Kempowksi set in East Prussia during World War II.

25 JAN 2021
Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music
Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music

A book by Alex Ross discussing the impact of Richard Wagner's work on the arts and politics.


25 JAN 2021
Why is this interesting? - The Monday Media Diet with Kaitlin Phillips

On writing, hating sentimental Twitter, and amazing female authors

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